Shungite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you.

About Shungite:

  • EMF Cleansing
  • Purification
  • Adherence to Truth

Chakra: ROOT

Shungite is a rare and powerful purification stone. It removes toxins from the body and supports the immune and lymphatic systems. It clears and reinvigorates each chakra, extending through the body from the root chakra upwards. It improves mental clarity and purifies one’s emotions, thoughts, and intentions. Shungite is capable of clearing the energy of an entire room and offers protection against outside forces, particularly counteracting the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation from electronic devices.