Morgan Hill Poppy Jasper Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you.

About Morgan Hill Poppy Jasper:


  • Protection
  • Good Luck
  • Abundance (Rain Bringer)

Chakra: ROOT

Morgan Hill Poppy Jasper is a rare stone that brings joy, happiness, and optimism into one’s life. It provides one with a sense of wholeness and inspires and energizes one’s entire being. Poppy Jasper improves strength, willpower, and motivation, and increases one’s mental fortitude to help with life’s daily challenges. It is a highly effective healing stone and has the power to energize and align all the chakras. It is particularly beneficial for those suffering from depression, general lethargy, or impaired functioning of an organ, gland, or other area of the body.