• Oversized Rainbow Moonstone Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Rainbow Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Intuition
    • Self-discovery
    • Inner Peace
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Rainbow Moonstone emanates great vitality, joy, and optimism. It offers the gifts of inner peace, harmony, emotional balance, and strength, as well as psychic protection. Rainbow Moonstone helps one maintain mental clarity throughout the day and provides a protective shield around the aura from negative influences. It is a powerful emotional healer and is recommended for those who suffer from stress or who carry old emotional wounds. It aids one in banishing self-doubt and fear and encourages one to take on new opportunities that may come their way.
  • Oversized Moonstone Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Self Discovery
    • Intuition
    • Dream Enhancement
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and helps one connect with the energy of the Divine Feminine. It carries a gentle, nurturing energy that brings comfort during times of emotional stress. Moonstone harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, and allows one to become more attuned with their inner feelings. It enhances patience and improves emotional regulation. Moonstone promotes intuition and empathy and is a powerful crystal for developing psychic awareness. It is also said to be beneficial for premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, and childbirth.
  • Oversized Lapis Lazuli Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Lapis Lazuli: Energies/Properties
    • Inner Vision
    • Truthful Communication
    • Royal Virtues/ Confident Leadership
    Lapis Lazuli encourages confidence, leadership, and communication. Lapis Lazuli assists with self-awareness and allows for confident self-expression and adherence to personal truth. It is an excellent stone for supporting higher self qualities like honesty, compassion, and high moral fiber. It stimulates the Third Eye energies of inner vision, insight, and intuition. Lapis Lazuli supports confronting and speaking one’s truth and inspires confidence, objectivity, clarity, and creativity. Known as the stone of Royal Virtues, it was at a point reserved for royalty and notably favored by Cleopatra. Lapis Lazuli reveals one's inner truth and allows for self-expression without holding back. It releases feelings of frustration, resentment, and anger. It is an excellent stone for those in leadership positions as it stimulates wisdom, integrity, and authenticity. Lapis Lazuli facilitates the acceptance of people and situations we cannot change, and encourages the qualities of honesty, compassion, and empathy when dealing with others.
  • Honey Calcite Oversized About Honey Calcite:
    • Confidence
    • Persistence
    • Clarity of Insight and Action
    Honey Calcite has an uplifting and nurturing energy. It is one of the most effective crystals to work with when undertaking complex tasks or projects requiring focus, attention, and persistence over a long period of time. It enhances mental clarity and helps reduce feelings of fatigue and emotional overwhelm. Honey Calcite is effective in eliminating limiting beliefs and overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors, particularly procrastination. It is also said to attract success and abundance into one's life. It inspires generosity and promotes feelings of gratitude.
  • Opalite Oversized About Opalite: Energies/Properties
    • Meditation
    • Intuition
    • Self Esteem
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Opalite is a man-made stone created from glass. It has a soft, delicate energy and symbolizes clarity, purity, and new beginnings. It balances yin and yang energies and stabilizes mood swings. Opalite helps to alleviate depression and anxiety and brings a sense of inner peace and calmness. It can be a gentle companion to assist one during life transitions by promoting a sense of confidence, self-esteem, and courage. Opalite is also said to enhance one's connection with the spirit world and aid the interpretation of psychic information.
  • Opalite

    Opalite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to place anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Opalite: Energies/Properties
    • Relaxation
    • Meditation
    • Intuition
    • Self Esteem
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Opalite is a man-made stone created from glass. It has a soft, delicate energy and symbolizes clarity, purity, and new beginnings. It balances yin and yang energies and stabilizes mood swings. Opalite helps to alleviate depression and anxiety and brings a sense of inner peace and calmness. It can be a gentle companion to assist one during life transitions by promoting a sense of confidence, self-esteem, and courage. Opalite is also said to enhance one's connection with the spirit world and aid the interpretation of psychic information.
  • Chevron Amethyst pocket stone About Chevron Amethyst: Energies/Properties
    • Spiritual Ascension
    • Raises Spiritual Energetic Vibration
    Chakra: Crown, Third Eye
    Chevron Amethyst combines the high spirituality of Amethyst, and the gentle support of White Quartz, creating a unique energy for self-reflection and personal growth. Chevron Amethyst gives one the courage they need to follow their spiritual callings and reach their highest potential. It enhances intuition and can awaken one's psychic gifts. Chevron Amethyst cleanses the aura and protects one from negative energies and psychic attacks. It is also said to promote deep and restful sleep, making it beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia.
  • Lepidolite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to place anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Lepidolite: Energies/Properties
    • Emotional Healing
    • Balance
    • Purification
    • Serenity/Stress Relief
    Lepidolite is known as the 'Stone of Transition'. It facilitates the release of old behavioral and psychological patterns. It brings deep emotional healing and gives one hope in dark times. It is an excellent crystal for reducing feelings of anxiety and depression. It can help women stabilize their emotions, particularly as this stone contains a high amount of natural lithium which is used in many anxiety medications. Lepidolite is also said to aid one in overcoming emotional or mental dependency and helps treat addictions, bipolar disorder, and ADHD.
  • Blue Aventurine Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to place anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Blue Aventurine: Energies/Properties
    • Psychic Attunement
    • Self-Discipline
    • Inner Strength
    Chakra: THIRD EYE Blue Aventurine assists us in making clear decisions and sticking to them. It helps calm fiery emotions and allows us to be less affected by external influences, and be more in control and at peace within ourselves. It asks us to take full responsibility for our lives, relationships, and experiences while empowering us to change when the current reality is not working. Blue Aventurine increases our psychic and intuitive abilities, allows us to recognize our spiritual gifts, and be attuned to guidance from higher realms.
  • Red Aventurine Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Red Aventurine: Energies/Properties
    • Discernment
    • Determination
    • Strength
    Red Aventurine is a stone of manifestation and abundance. It encourages one to take action to achieve their goals and stay committed, despite any setbacks or challenges. It is an energizing stone that boosts motivation and enthusiasm and is effective for combating fatigue, mental fog, and lethargy. It inspires creativity and encourages one to tackle their goals and desires with a fearless and optimistic mindset. Physically, Red Aventurine is believed to be effective in reducing lower back pain, treating autoimmune disorders, and stimulating the production of red blood cells.
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