Immersive Sound and Vibration for Emotional Wellness

The better we can guide and elevate our emotions, the more powerfully we meet the demands of life, the more consciously we can shift our feeling state, and the stronger our relationships and ability to create the life we desire.
With this Immersive SoundHealing™ method, you can reliably shift and sustain whatever energetic state you desire, whether that’s deeper calm and relaxation, improved focus and performance, or heightened creativity and connection to purpose.
And to top it off – the experience simply feels great, like being immersed in a cocoon of pleasurable sensation. It’s the way we are taking the “work” out of “inner work.”

Opus Sound Bed uses vibroaccoustic technology to deliver low-frequency vibrations throughout your body that quickly releases you out of stress response into a place of deep relaxation and receptivity. Opus combines this with spatial sound using headphones to bring your awareness into the present moment, and proven healing practices like guided meditation and breath-work facilitated by experts to amplify your experience.

Feel The Sound. Enhance your well-being through sound and vibration. Five zones of vibration produce a range of sensations from soothing rain to booming thunder and bass. Special speakers send waves of vibration through your body to bring you into a state of harmony.

Opus SoundBed Benefits:

  • Improved Performance
  • Mental Focus
  • Deeper Calm
  • Relaxation
  • Heightened Creativity
  • Connection to Purpose

Call us to learn more about Opus SoundBed or book a session (669) 203-2595