• Clear Quartz Crystal Elixir Water Bottle For centuries, crystal elixirs have been used for their healing powers. At The Secret Door, we strive to combine the sacred knowledge of our Ancestors and the magic of modern science to create products that utilize the beauty and power of crystals for our greatest good. We have selected the finest array of crystals to infuse your water with the natural vibrations of healing, love, abundance, protection, and more. All of our bottles are created using the highest quality BPA-FREE glass and our crystals are wired into their base with stainless steel, no glues, adhesives, or anything harmful. Simply set your intentions, fill your bottle, and enjoy the benefits of crystal-activated water. Your time is NOW!
  • Happiness - Crown Chakra Pillar Candles 100% Pure Essential Oils Patchouli, Labdanum & Frankincense. This chakra is associated with Divine Energy and Self Realization. Through meditation and prayer, we surrender to the higher power. We experience whole-body happiness Choose a peaceful space, set aside for prayer and meditation. Present the candle. Breathe fully and deeply. Feel the infinite blessing power of the Divine. Picture the changes you are contemplating with great faith and love. Light the candle. Sit quietly for a while, holding the image of accomplished change, then release it all to the Divine
  • We’ve selected the finest array of crystals to infuse your water with the natural vibrations of healing, love, abundance, protection, and more. All of our bottles are created using the highest quality BPA-FREE glass, and our crystals are wired into their base with stainless steel, no glues, adhesives, or anything you don’t need.
    Simply set your Intention, fill your bottle, and enjoy the benefits of crystal-activated water. Your time is NOW!

    About Clear Quartz

    • Programmability
    • Amplification of Intention
    • Clearing and Cleansing
    Clear Quartz is a powerful "Master Crystal" that amplifies ambient energy, magnifies the energies of other crystals, and can be programmed with your intention. It can help one to concentrate, focus and find clarity of thought while opening the mind to higher guidance. Clear Quartz uses Divine Light to stimulate and clear the Chakras of debris, blockages, and stagnant energy. It is emotionally neutral but will amplify any emotional energy it comes into resonance with so make sure your Intentions are clear before engaging with this powerful ally. Due to the "absorptive" quality connected to Clear Quartz programmability, it is recommended that you frequently cleanse this stone to clear any collected energy. For all these reasons, this ubiquitous stone is a great tool for Light Workers or anyone wanting to connect to Light energy for clarity and enhanced communication with Guides and the energetic world.

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