• Oversized Peach Moonstone Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Peach Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Perception
    • Mental Stimulation
    • Heart Support
    Peach Moonstone has a soothing and loving energy. It brings out the best in people and promotes feelings of self-love, joy, and optimism. It calms the emotions and helps one overcome feelings of depression and hopelessness. It can act as a wonderful emotional support for sensitive children. Peach Moonstone helps one connect with divine feminine energies and promotes fertility and love. It is a stone of new beginnings and is recommended to be worn or carried by anyone who is experiencing major life changes to help them remain balanced and centered.
  • Polychrome Jasper Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Polychrome Jasper:
    • Passion
    • Vitality & Action
    • Creativity
    Chakras: ALL
    Polychrome Jasper is a rare and relatively new stone that combines the energies of Fire and Earth, creating a unique energy that embodies action, passion, and enthusiasm. Its healing energies will light new paths, helping one discover new approaches to their heart's truest desires. It clears energy blockages in all the chakras, enabling rebirth and transformation. It is recommended that one meditates with this stone in nature to deepen their connection with Mother Earth. It brings a powerful energy of protection and grounding, helping one feel secure, safe, and purposeful.
  • Angelite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Angelite: Energies/Properties
    • Intuition
    • Angelic Communication
    • Serenity
    Angelite is one of the most powerful stones to facilitate contact with angels and spirit guides. It enhances telepathic communication, channeling, mediumship, clairvoyance, and psychic healing. Angelite's gentle and calming vibration can help soothe overwhelming emotions, allowing one to reach a deep state of tranquility, inner peace, and serenity. It enhances spiritual awareness and helps one connect with their higher self. Angelite is also said to promote lucid dreaming and improve one's ability to recall and interpret the guidance and symbolic meaning of dreams.
  • Fancy Jasper Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Fancy Jasper
    • Grounding
    • Discipline/Perserverance
    • Slow Steady Healing
    Chakras: ALL
    Fancy Jasper is a loving and calming crystal. It promotes imagination and creativity and inspires one to become more persevering and enthusiastic in their endeavors. Fancy Jasper brings feelings of wholeness and relieves fears, doubts, and frustrations. It is a very nurturing crystal and is supportive during times of emotional stress. It can absorb negative energy and deflect psychic attacks, making it a highly protective crystal. Fancy Jasper is also a powerful physical healing stone and can help detoxify the body, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation.
  • Howlite

    Howlite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Howlite
    • Purity
    • Healing
    • Wealth
    • Love
    Chakra: CROWN Howlite is an extremely calming and soothing stone. It is beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia as it quiets the mind, helping one experience a peaceful sleep. It also enables one to enter a deep meditative state. White Howlite helps relax the entire body and releases muscle tension. It can be used to facilitate a higher state of spiritual and emotional self-awareness. It encourages calm communication with others and eliminates feelings of frustration, impatience, and anger. It also brings greater gentleness, empathy, and compassion when dealing with others.
  • Crazy Lace Agate Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Crazy Lace Agate Energies/Properties
    • Happiness
    • Optimism
    • Stability
    Chakra: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Crazy Lace Agate is also referred to as the 'Laughter Stone'. It brings joy and happiness to those who wear it. It is a stone of support and encouragement and is recommended to be worn by anyone consciously working to shift their mindset and thought pattern to a higher, positive vibration. It promotes a healthy work-life balance and encourages one to not take life too seriously. Crazy Lace Agate is also said to help trigger the release of endorphins, making it a great companion for anyone suffering from depression.
  • Dendritic Agate Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Dendritic Agate Energies/Properties
    • Growth
    • Wisdom
    • Purification
    Chakras: ALL Dendritic Agate encourages the acceptance of one's origin and the connection to the natural states of the universe. such as a new career, recovery, or treatment program. Use its energy to enhance your mental, spiritual, and emotional wellness. In relationships, agate is known to strengthen loyalty and trust. When you have an upcoming trip or adventure on the calendar, carrying dendritic agate can serve as a protective amulet against accidents or misfortune.
  • Strawberry Quartz Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Strawberry Quartz Energies/Properties:
    • Love
    • Optimism
    • Creativity
    Chakras: ALL
    Strawberry Quartz has a playful and joyful energy that makes one feel vibrantly alive in the present moment. It stimulates creativity and imagination, helping artists, writers, and musicians keep their work fresh and interesting. Strawberry Quartz helps one move on from any past trauma or negative experiences and feel the beauty of the present moment. It encourages positive bonds to form between family, friends, and romantic partners. Meditating with Strawberry Quartz can stabilize an unbalanced energy field and bring guidance to the higher heart chakra.
  • Shiva Lingam Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Shiva Lingam Energies/Properties:
    • Kundalini Activation
    • Vitality & Prana
    • Spiritual Transformation
    • Enlightenment
    Chakras: ALL
  • Amethyst Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Amethyst Energies/Properties
    • Protection
    • Divine Connection
    • Release of Addictions
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN Amethyst is a powerful stone of purification and protection. Its energy assists in quieting the mind and promotes inner peace, calmness, and balance. Amethyst helps one to elevate into Higher Self and recognize one’s life purpose. It deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens mental acuity, and accelerates the development of intuitive abilities. This mighty protector guards one from negative influences and psychic attacks. Amethyst is also a great ally in helping one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing. Use Amethyst to stimulate creativity and imagination and to see projects through from start to fruition.
  • Raw Amethyst Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Amethyst Energies/Properties
    • Protection
    • Divine Connection
    • Release of Addictions
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN Amethyst is a powerful stone of purification and protection. Its energy assists in quieting the mind and promotes inner peace, calmness, and balance. Amethyst helps one to elevate into Higher Self and recognize one’s life purpose. It deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens mental acuity, and accelerates the development of intuitive abilities. This mighty protector guards one from negative influences and psychic attacks. Amethyst is also a great ally in helping one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing. Use Amethyst to stimulate creativity and imagination and to see projects through from start to fruition.
  • Clear Quartz Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Clear Quartz Energies/Properties:
    • Magnification of Abient Energy
    • Clearing
    • Mental Clarity
    Chakras: ALL
    Clear Quartz is known as the 'Master Healer'. It is a powerful crystal that amplifies the energies of other crystals and can be programmed to manifest any intention. One of the best ways to experience the immense power of Clear Quartz is to use it to help amplify your intentions. Firstly, define exactly what it is you want, and then use Clear Quartz to magnify your intention until it manifests. It is an excellent stone for concentration as it enables one to focus and think clearly. Clear Quartz balances all the chakras, clears stagnant energy, and opens the mind to higher guidance.
  • Selenite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Selenite Energies/Properties:
    • Spiritual Activation
    • Communion with Higher Self Guides
    • Cleansing
    Chakras: THRID EYE, CROWN
    Selenite is a powerful stone with a very fine vibration. It opens and stimulates the crown and higher crown chakras. It purifies and cleanses the aura, and protects one from negative influences. It instills deep peace, making it highly effective in meditation or spiritual work. Selenite assists spiritual insight, clears mental confusion, and aids one in seeing the deeper picture. It can be used to form a protective grid around a house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in. It can also be placed in a workplace to ensure a calm and peaceful atmosphere.
  • Raw Clear Quartz Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Clear Quartz Energies/Properties:
    • Magnification of Abient Energy
    • Clearing
    • Mental Clarity
    Chakras: ALL
    Clear Quartz is known as the 'Master Healer'. It is a powerful crystal that amplifies the energies of other crystals and can be programmed to manifest any intention. One of the best ways to experience the immense power of Clear Quartz is to use it to help amplify your intentions. Firstly, define exactly what it is you want, and then use Clear Quartz to magnify your intention until it manifests. It is an excellent stone for concentration as it enables one to focus and think clearly. Clear Quartz balances all the chakras, clears stagnant energy, and opens the mind to higher guidance.
  • Scolecite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Scolecite
    • Inner Peace
    • Lucid Dreaming
    • Auric Cleanser
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Scolecite is associated with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, bringing deep tranquility when you incorporate it into your mediation practices. Scolecite works with upper chakras, opening up intuition and works to enhance your clairvoyance and clairaudient abilities. It is very calming and relaxing to the body and mind. Scolecite clears away negative emotions and can help to strengthen your spirit while encouraging feelings of love, acceptance, emotional peace, and forgiveness.
  • Rainbow Moonstone Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Rainbow Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Intuition
    • Self-discovery
    • Inner Peace
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Rainbow Moonstone emanates great vitality, joy, and optimism. It offers the gifts of inner peace, harmony, emotional balance, and strength, as well as psychic protection. Rainbow Moonstone helps one maintain mental clarity throughout the day and provides a protective shield around the aura from negative influences. It is a powerful emotional healer and is recommended for those who suffer from stress or who carry old emotional wounds. It aids one in banishing self-doubt and fear and encourages one to take on new opportunities that may come their way.
  • Moonstone Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Self Discovery
    • Intuition
    • Dream Enhancement
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and helps one connect with the energy of the Divine Feminine. It carries a gentle, nurturing energy that brings comfort during times of emotional stress. Moonstone harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, and allows one to become more attuned with their inner feelings. It enhances patience and improves emotional regulation. Moonstone promotes intuition and empathy and is a powerful crystal for developing psychic awareness. It is also said to be beneficial for premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, and childbirth.
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