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Mala Class – In Store

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Please join us July 18th 11:00 am for our in store Mala class. Price includes all materials to make our own mala.

A mala (translation: garland) is a string of 108 beads with one bead as the summit or head bead called a ‘sumeru.’ Malas are used as a tool to help the mind focus on meditation, prayer or to count mantras in sets of 108 repetitions. Although not specifically a religious accessory, malas, (see also prayer beads or rosaries) can be used in prayer, meditation, or for manifestation..”

Some place great importance in the components of which the mala is composed claiming one material is best for a certain type of devotion over another, typically the crystals and/ or colors of the tassel . However, it’s not just the material of which the mala is made but the frequency of use and intentions of the person which are of ultimate importance. Malas are a hugely energetic and meaningful accessory you can give as a gift or specifically create to fit your personal aesthetic.


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