
3rd Eye (Ajna)

  • Access to Knowledge
  • Higher Self Activation
  • Intuition

Utilize these tools to unlock the Manifestation channels through the promotion of mental focus, clarity, access to knowledge, and inner vision. Each of these items is meant to foster greater wisdom, extrasensory perception, enhanced intuition, psychic ability, discernment, detection of subtle and overt energies, and create a balance between the ego and soul.

Energy: I SEE…

  • Amethyst Gem Tree

    “As Above So Below”
    Our Gem Trees are one of The Secret Door’s signature products and make wonderful gifts! Symbolic of beautiful energies from the Tree of Life to the Family Tree these amazing pieces bring so much to any space and represent the human quest for connection to Mother Earth as we stretch toward the heavens, growing into our Higher Self!
    Each of The Secret Door’s unique and beautifully Artisan created Gem Trees features an amethyst geode base, hand-fashioned tree trunk, and multiple natural gemstone boughs. Due to the handmade nature of this item, all sizes are approximate and natural stone colors may vary.
    Small (approx. 3”): 3 Gemstone Boughs
    Medium (approx 5”): 6 Gemstone Boughs
    Large (approx 7”): 10 Gemstone Boughs
    About Amethyst Energies/Properties:
    • Protection
    • Divine Connection
    • Release of Addictions
    Amethyst is a powerful stone of purification and protection. Its energy assists in quieting the mind and promotes inner peace, calmness, and balance. Amethyst helps one to elevate into Higher Self and recognize one's life purpose. It deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens mental acuity, and accelerates the development of intuitive abilities. This mighty protector guards one against negative influences and psychic attacks. Amethyst is also a great ally in helping one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing. Use Amethyst to stimulate creativity and imagination and to see projects through from start to fruition.
  • The Secret Door invites you to unlock your MAGIC with our beautiful and potent Crystal Intention Candles! Each candle has the lovely, fresh and celebratory scent of Pink Champagne and is dressed with Oils, Herbs, Flowers, and Crystals all specifically selected for their synergy in assisting you in your endeavors!  By choosing one of our candles you have set your INTENTION, now all you have to do is focus, meditate, BELIEVE and follow through to enjoy SUCCESS!
        ◦    ABUNDANCE:  Dressed with Citrine, Pyrite, Green Aventurine, and Cinnamon! Light this candle to invite Abundance in everything you do! Whether it’s a business endeavor, family building, and fertility, financial prosperity, or a bumper garden crop this candle will infuse your life with the energies of Abundance!
        ◦    LOVE:  Dressed with Rose Quartz, Malachite, Moonstone, and Roses! Light this candle to invite and attract Love in all its forms! Whether it’s Self Love, Romantic Love, Familial Love, Friendship, Love of Nature, Animals, the Planet or all Humankind this candle represents the energies of the Love Vibration!
        ◦    MANIFESTATION:  Dressed with Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, and Sage! Light this candle to activate the Manifestation channel! Manifestation is the act of transmuting your dreams, goals, ideas, plans, and the deepest desires of your heart from thoughts into reality and this candle represents the energies necessary to Manifest
  • Oversized Rainbow Moonstone Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Rainbow Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Intuition
    • Self-discovery
    • Inner Peace
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Rainbow Moonstone emanates great vitality, joy, and optimism. It offers the gifts of inner peace, harmony, emotional balance, and strength, as well as psychic protection. Rainbow Moonstone helps one maintain mental clarity throughout the day and provides a protective shield around the aura from negative influences. It is a powerful emotional healer and is recommended for those who suffer from stress or who carry old emotional wounds. It aids one in banishing self-doubt and fear and encourages one to take on new opportunities that may come their way.
  • Oversized Moonstone Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Self Discovery
    • Intuition
    • Dream Enhancement
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and helps one connect with the energy of the Divine Feminine. It carries a gentle, nurturing energy that brings comfort during times of emotional stress. Moonstone harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, and allows one to become more attuned with their inner feelings. It enhances patience and improves emotional regulation. Moonstone promotes intuition and empathy and is a powerful crystal for developing psychic awareness. It is also said to be beneficial for premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, and childbirth.
  • Oversized Lapis Lazuli Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Lapis Lazuli: Energies/Properties
    • Inner Vision
    • Truthful Communication
    • Royal Virtues/ Confident Leadership
    Lapis Lazuli encourages confidence, leadership, and communication. Lapis Lazuli assists with self-awareness and allows for confident self-expression and adherence to personal truth. It is an excellent stone for supporting higher self qualities like honesty, compassion, and high moral fiber. It stimulates the Third Eye energies of inner vision, insight, and intuition. Lapis Lazuli supports confronting and speaking one’s truth and inspires confidence, objectivity, clarity, and creativity. Known as the stone of Royal Virtues, it was at a point reserved for royalty and notably favored by Cleopatra. Lapis Lazuli reveals one's inner truth and allows for self-expression without holding back. It releases feelings of frustration, resentment, and anger. It is an excellent stone for those in leadership positions as it stimulates wisdom, integrity, and authenticity. Lapis Lazuli facilitates the acceptance of people and situations we cannot change, and encourages the qualities of honesty, compassion, and empathy when dealing with others.
  • Honey Calcite Oversized About Honey Calcite:
    • Confidence
    • Persistence
    • Clarity of Insight and Action
    Honey Calcite has an uplifting and nurturing energy. It is one of the most effective crystals to work with when undertaking complex tasks or projects requiring focus, attention, and persistence over a long period of time. It enhances mental clarity and helps reduce feelings of fatigue and emotional overwhelm. Honey Calcite is effective in eliminating limiting beliefs and overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors, particularly procrastination. It is also said to attract success and abundance into one's life. It inspires generosity and promotes feelings of gratitude.
  • Opalite Oversized About Opalite: Energies/Properties
    • Meditation
    • Intuition
    • Self Esteem
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Opalite is a man-made stone created from glass. It has a soft, delicate energy and symbolizes clarity, purity, and new beginnings. It balances yin and yang energies and stabilizes mood swings. Opalite helps to alleviate depression and anxiety and brings a sense of inner peace and calmness. It can be a gentle companion to assist one during life transitions by promoting a sense of confidence, self-esteem, and courage. Opalite is also said to enhance one's connection with the spirit world and aid the interpretation of psychic information.
  • Oversized Amertrine Crystal Chunk. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Ametrine: Energies/Properties
    • Mental Clarity
    • Spiritual Enlightenment
    • Decisiveness
    Ametrine is a unique combination of the uplifting energies of Citrine, and the high spirituality of Amethyst. Its high vibrations help to elevate the conscious mind. It removes energy blockages that are preventing one from achieving their highest potential in life. Ametrine imparts an energy of perseverance and strength, helping one stay focused on achieving their goals. It is effective in banishing self-doubt, insecurity, and fear. Working consistently with Ametrine can assist in overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors, such as procrastination, substance abuse, and overeating.
  • Oversized Amethyst Crystal Chunk. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Amethyst: Energies/Properties:
    • Protection
    • Divine Connection
    • Release of Addictions
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN Amethyst is a powerful stone of purification and protection. Its energy assists in quieting the mind and promotes inner peace, calmness, and balance. Amethyst helps one to elevate into Higher Self and recognize one's life purpose. It deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens mental acuity, and accelerates the development of intuitive abilities. This mighty protector guards one from negative influences and psychic attacks. Amethyst is also a great ally in helping one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing. Use Amethyst to stimulate creativity and imagination and to see projects through from start to fruition.
  • Oversized Blue Chalcedony  Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Blue Chalcedony: Energies/Properties
    • Communication
    • Inner Knowing
    • Calm
    Chakras: THROAT, THIRD EYE
    Blue Chalcedony restores calmness and balance and helps one look toward the future with optimism and enthusiasm. It enhances creativity and imagination and opens the mind to assimilate new ideas. Because it is a strong representative of the Blue Ray, Blue Chalcedony affects the mind on many levels. It stimulates telepathy and all types of communication with the invisible realms. It also gives one the courage to communicate their true thoughts and feelings with others. Physically, it improves the immune system, heals the lungs, and lowers blood pressure.
  • Oversized Sodalite Crystal Chunks. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Sodalite: Energies/Properties
    • Enhanced Imagination
    • Deepened Intuition
    • Mental Performance
    Chakras: THROAT. THIRD EYE
    Sodalite is a crystal that brings order and calmness to the mind. It promotes emotional balance, eases insomnia and anxiety, and calms panic attacks. Sodalite improves one's self-esteem and acceptance of themselves. Insecurities are often eliminated when one works with Sodalite on a consistent basis, as it will restore one's confidence in their unique talents and abilities. It enhances creativity and imagination. It can also be placed in a group setting, such as an office, to promote harmony, cooperation, and teamwork.
  • Oversized Caribbean Blue Calcite Crystal Chunk. These larger stones are 2-3x the size of traditional tumbles, perfect for your car, desk, bedside, or when you need to amplify extra potent personal energy. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Caribbean Blue Calcite: Energies/Properties
    • Mind Activation
    • Calm
    • Enhanced Psychic Ability
    Chakras: THROAT, THIRD EYE
    Caribbean Calcite is a relatively new crystal that was discovered in Pakistan. It is a combination of Blue Calcite and Aragonite. It resonates with the third eye and crown chakras and is a beautiful crystal for an overall sense of calmness and serenity. Caribbean Calcite activates the mind, tapping into one's higher consciousness and psychic abilities. It provides enhanced dream insight and facilitates lucid dreaming. When meditating with Caribbean Calcite, its soothing and healing energy helps to balance the mind, creating space for calm and peaceful thoughts.
  • ABUNDANCE - Third Eye Chakra Pillar Candle 100% essential oils lavender, fur & camomile. The third eye (also called the mind's eye or inner eye) is a mystical invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. Choose a peaceful space, set aside for prayer and meditation. Present the candle. Breathe fully and deeply. Feel the infinite blessing power of the Divine. Picture the changes you are contemplating with great faith and love. Light the candle. Sit quietly for a while, holding the image of accomplished change, then release it all to the Divine
  • Raw Amethyst Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Raw Amethyst Energies/Properties
    • Protection
    • Divine Connection
    • Release of Addictions
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN Amethyst is a powerful stone of purification and protection. Its energy assists in quieting the mind and promotes inner peace, calmness, and balance. Amethyst helps one to elevate into Higher Self and recognize one’s life purpose. It deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens mental acuity, and accelerates the development of intuitive abilities. This mighty protector guards one from negative influences and psychic attacks. Amethyst is also a great ally in helping one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing. Use Amethyst to stimulate creativity and imagination and to see projects through from start to fruition.
  • Amethyst Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Amethyst Energies/Properties
    • Protection
    • Divine Connection
    • Release of Addictions
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN Amethyst is a powerful stone of purification and protection. Its energy assists in quieting the mind and promotes inner peace, calmness, and balance. Amethyst helps one to elevate into Higher Self and recognize one’s life purpose. It deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens mental acuity, and accelerates the development of intuitive abilities. This mighty protector guards one from negative influences and psychic attacks. Amethyst is also a great ally in helping one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing. Use Amethyst to stimulate creativity and imagination and to see projects through from start to fruition.
  • Chevron Amethyst pocket stone About Chevron Amethyst: Energies/Properties
    • Spiritual Ascension
    • Raises Spiritual Energetic Vibration
    Chakra: Crown, Third Eye
    Chevron Amethyst combines the high spirituality of Amethyst, and the gentle support of White Quartz, creating a unique energy for self-reflection and personal growth. Chevron Amethyst gives one the courage they need to follow their spiritual callings and reach their highest potential. It enhances intuition and can awaken one's psychic gifts. Chevron Amethyst cleanses the aura and protects one from negative energies and psychic attacks. It is also said to promote deep and restful sleep, making it beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia.
  • Moonstone Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Self Discovery
    • Intuition
    • Dream Enhancement
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and helps one connect with the energy of the Divine Feminine. It carries a gentle, nurturing energy that brings comfort during times of emotional stress. Moonstone harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, and allows one to become more attuned with their inner feelings. It enhances patience and improves emotional regulation. Moonstone promotes intuition and empathy and is a powerful crystal for developing psychic awareness. It is also said to be beneficial for premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, and childbirth.
  • K-2 Jasper Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About K-2 Jasper Energies/Properties:
    • Ancestral Wisdom
    • Grounding Intuition
    • Programmability
    Chakra: THIRD EYE
    K2 Jasper is a rare and unique stone that was discovered at the base of K2, the second-highest mountain on Earth. The powerful Earth connection of Granite, combined with the energetic flow of Azurite, makes K2 Jasper an effective stone for psychics and mediums to help them more clearly interpret the messages they receive. It enhances spiritual journeying and stimulates the third eye chakra. It enhances intuition and conscious awareness so that one can be open to receiving guidance from higher dimensions. K2 Jasper is also believed to be beneficial in treating migraines.
  • Blue Chalcedony Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Blue Chalcedony: Energies/Properties
    • Communication
    • Inner Knowing
    • Calm
    Chakras: THROAT, THIRD EYE
    Blue Chalcedony restores calmness and balance and helps one to look toward the future with optimism and enthusiasm. It enhances creativity and imagination and opens the mind to assimilate new ideas. Because it is a strong representative of the Blue Ray, Blue Chalcedony affects the mind on many levels. It stimulates telepathy and all types of communication with the invisible realms. It also gives one the courage to communicate their true thoughts and feelings with others. Physically, it improves the immune system, heals the lungs, and lowers blood pressure.
  • Tourmaline Quartz Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Tourmaline Quartz Energies/Properties:
    • Purification
    • Balance
    • Recovery From Negative Influences
    Chakras: THIRD EYE
    Tourmaline Quartz combines the powerful properties of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline. Tourmaline protects one from all kinds of negativity, while Quartz purifies and amplifies the energy of the Tourmaline, resulting in a more grounded and balanced emotional state. It cleanses the aura, restores balance to all the chakras, and clears any stagnant energy. Tourmaline Quartz enhances mental clarity and is helpful for those who need help remaining on their spiritual path, particularly those who have deviated to engage in harmful and negative behaviors.
  • Selenite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Selenite Energies/Properties:
    • Spiritual Activation
    • Communion with Higher Self Guides
    • Cleansing
    Chakras: THRID EYE, CROWN
    Selenite is a powerful stone with a very fine vibration. It opens and stimulates the crown and higher crown chakras. It purifies and cleanses the aura, and protects one from negative influences. It instills deep peace, making it highly effective in meditation or spiritual work. Selenite assists spiritual insight, clears mental confusion, and aids one in seeing the deeper picture. It can be used to form a protective grid around a house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in. It can also be placed in a workplace to ensure a calm and peaceful atmosphere.
  • Angelite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Angelite: Energies/Properties
    • Intuition
    • Angelic Communication
    • Serenity
    Angelite is one of the most powerful stones to facilitate contact with angels and spirit guides. It enhances telepathic communication, channeling, mediumship, clairvoyance, and psychic healing. Angelite's gentle and calming vibration can help soothe overwhelming emotions, allowing one to reach a deep state of tranquility, inner peace, and serenity. It enhances spiritual awareness and helps one connect with their higher self. Angelite is also said to promote lucid dreaming and improve one's ability to recall and interpret the guidance and symbolic meaning of dreams.
  • Ruby Zoisite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Ruby Zoisite: Energies/Properties
    • Hope
    • Gratitude
    • Peace
    Ruby Zoisite offers energies of happiness, abundance, vitality, and personal growth. It stimulates and opens the heart chakra, and inspires one to live with greater joy, compassion, and gratitude. Ruby Zoisite helps one remain in the present moment and learn from every experience. It can help one let go of any fear, doubt, and anxiety. Ruby Zoisite soothes emotional pain associated with grief, anger, and despair. It is a particularly helpful stone for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one or fearing their own death by helping one stay calm, hopeful, and peaceful.
  • Blue Opal Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Blue Opal
    • Calm & Centered Mind
    • Retention of Knowledge
    • Spiritual Understanding
    Chakras: THROAT, THIRD EYE
    Blue Opal is a stone of communication, allowing one to speak their mind without fear or doubt. It can improve self-confidence and help one attract like-minded people into their life. Blue Opal radiates a soothing and calming energy that will help eliminate tension from the entire body and clarify one's thoughts. It is used in the energy field to stimulate the balance of the mind and to harmonize both hemispheres of the brain. Working with Blue Opal can allow one to become more open-minded as it stimulates logic and
  • Opalite

    Opalite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to place anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Opalite: Energies/Properties
    • Relaxation
    • Meditation
    • Intuition
    • Self Esteem
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Opalite is a man-made stone created from glass. It has a soft, delicate energy and symbolizes clarity, purity, and new beginnings. It balances yin and yang energies and stabilizes mood swings. Opalite helps to alleviate depression and anxiety and brings a sense of inner peace and calmness. It can be a gentle companion to assist one during life transitions by promoting a sense of confidence, self-esteem, and courage. Opalite is also said to enhance one's connection with the spirit world and aid the interpretation of psychic information.
  • Lepidolite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to place anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. About Lepidolite: Energies/Properties
    • Emotional Healing
    • Balance
    • Purification
    • Serenity/Stress Relief
    Lepidolite is known as the 'Stone of Transition'. It facilitates the release of old behavioral and psychological patterns. It brings deep emotional healing and gives one hope in dark times. It is an excellent crystal for reducing feelings of anxiety and depression. It can help women stabilize their emotions, particularly as this stone contains a high amount of natural lithium which is used in many anxiety medications. Lepidolite is also said to aid one in overcoming emotional or mental dependency and helps treat addictions, bipolar disorder, and ADHD.
  • Rainbow Moonstone Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Rainbow Moonstone: Energies/Properties
    • Intuition
    • Self-discovery
    • Inner Peace
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Rainbow Moonstone emanates great vitality, joy, and optimism. It offers the gifts of inner peace, harmony, emotional balance, and strength, as well as psychic protection. Rainbow Moonstone helps one maintain mental clarity throughout the day and provides a protective shield around the aura from negative influences. It is a powerful emotional healer and is recommended for those who suffer from stress or who carry old emotional wounds. It aids one in banishing self-doubt and fear and encourages one to take on new opportunities that may come their way.
  • Rhyolite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Rhyolite
    • Joy
    • Connection with Nature
    • Healing
    Chakras: THIRD EYE Perceived as a balancing stone, Rhyolite is often recommended to increase self-esteem, self-worth. It is stone that is thought to facilitate change, variety and progress while helping to deal calmly with challenges. Rhyolite is believed to assist in fulfilling one's goals and making one's dreams come true, while strengthening the soul, body and mind.
  • Sodalite Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Sodalite Energies/Properties:
    • Enhanced Imagination
    • Deepened Intuition
    • Mental Performance
    Chakras: THROAT. THIRD EYE
    Sodalite is a crystal that brings order and calmness to the mind. It promotes emotional balance, eases insomnia and anxiety, and calms panic attacks. Sodalite improves one's self-esteem and acceptance of themselves. Insecurities are often eliminated when one works with Sodalite consistently, as it will restore one's confidence in their unique talents and abilities. It enhances creativity and imagination. It can also be placed in a group setting, such as an office, to promote harmony, cooperation, and teamwork.
  • Crazy Lace Agate Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Crazy Lace Agate Energies/Properties
    • Happiness
    • Optimism
    • Stability
    Chakra: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Crazy Lace Agate is also referred to as the 'Laughter Stone'. It brings joy and happiness to those who wear it. It is a stone of support and encouragement and is recommended to be worn by anyone consciously working to shift their mindset and thought pattern to a higher, positive vibration. It promotes a healthy work-life balance and encourages one to not take life too seriously. Crazy Lace Agate is also said to help trigger the release of endorphins, making it a great companion for anyone suffering from depression.
  • Botswana Agate Pocket Stones. These traditional carrying stones are perfect for your pocket, purse, or projects. They are conveniently sized to be placed anywhere in your immediate environment and well-suited to connect with and amplify personal energy on the go!n All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for your order. All stones are hand-selected by The Secret Door for quality, character, and uniqueness. The price is for one high-quality stone, stones will vary and be intuitively selected for you. About Botswana Agate:
    • Growth
    • Strength
    • Healing
    Chakras: THIRD EYE, CROWN
    Botswana Agate is a soothing and comforting stone that is helpful during times of transition. It has a high vibrational healing energy and is a great companion for anyone dealing with heartache, loneliness, or grief. One may experience a spiritual awakening when working with Botswana Agate, and it can be the start of one's self-transformation and personal evolution. It is said to be one of the most effective stones to assist those who are on their journey to overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors and addictions, particularly smoking.
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